Friday, May 27, 2011

Oh, That Blogger!

Blogger is acting up. I can't post pictures and I can't log out.

But while we are all here, I'd love to share this lunch box story with you. 

Just the other day, my daughter that is in elementary school said, "Mom, do you know what I would love to have for lunch before the school year is over?" I thought for sure that I had this answer. "Cafeteria food?" And she said "no- Lunchables".

About an hour my middle schooler walked in the door and said, "Mom, I wish that before the school year was over I could just once have Lunchables for lunch." My daughter in elementary said, "Heeeeeey, I just said that!" That was quite a coincidence!

So on the last day of school, I had to oblige just this once, so I sent them to school with their lunch box packed with a Lunchable. I added carrot sticks for good measure.

They both came home and said, "That wasn't as good as I thought it would be."

Moral of the story: Go with it. It won't hurt to cave in on something you don't agree with on occasion. And maybe, just maybe, they will appreciate what you have been sending with them all along.

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